After our premiere in December last year, our team is ready to show you around Hotel Bohemia again!

Hotel Bohemia has seen better days but within its walls friendships arise, love affairs hide, careers start, and some shadows occur.
Vidal, an immigrant full of dreams and hopes just sets foot in the beautiful, lively and sometimes brutal city. His ambitions, plans and desires lead him into this crumbling hotel, where he has to face the reality of being a no-one for the first time in his life. On this journey, he meets Viola, the boss, Jean, the handyman, Laura, an aspiring actress who’s trying to prove her worth and independence, and the stars of a rock’n’roll band staying at the hotel.
Hotel Bohemia is a story about immigrants, who try to achieve their dreams and prove themselves in a new country.
Hotel Bohemia is the first original international musical that premiered in Ljubljana. It addresses many important social issues; violence, sexual abuse and the challenges faced by immigrants in a new country, such as discrimination, cultural differences, and language barriers.
The creators aim to put on stage a powerful and thought-provoking work that will raise awareness about these issues, promote positive change in our community, and inspire people to take action when needed.
We believe that this musical has the potential to make a real difference and a positive impact on the lives of those who experience violence and immigrant disadvantages.
Our cast and crew consists of individuals from various countries, including Slovenia, Colombia, Italy, England, Hungary, Argentina, Portugal, and Russia. This diverse composition adds a unique intercultural aspect to our production.
Festivalna Dvorana Ljubljana
Vilharjeva cesta 11, 1000 Ljubljana www.pionirski-dom.si/o-festivalni-dvorani31 May 2024 @ 19:30

- Avtor, Skladatelj, Režiser in Producent / Author, Composer, Director and Producer Juan Zuleta
- Koreografinja / Choreographer TINKARA VRBINC BURNAĆ
Igrajo / Cast
- Vidal Juan Zuleta
- Laura Danaja Koren
- Viola Anja Strajnar
- Jean Peter Nzobandora
- Viktoria Urška Koželj
- Mark Jernej Markelj
- Groupie / Emo Girl Urška Kalabota
- Manager Vito Leskovec
Ansambel / Ensemble
- Flower Seller / Jury / Band Member / Policeman Andrea Bardi
- Tourist / Lawyer / Jury Anja Ostaševski
- Tourist / Journalist / Roadie / Jury Anna Kim
- Tourist / Band Member / Jury / TV Host Bev Layzell
- Lawyer / Jury / Tourist Cláudia Indami
- Delivery Guy / Band Member / Jury / Photographer Domen Bergant
- Tourist / Young Bride / Jury Nadja Padar
- Tourist / Jury / Journalist Pia Fabijan
- Tourist / Policeman / Judge Steve Hawley
- Tourist / Young Groom / Jury Vito Pančur
Plesalke / Dancers
- Anja Repinc
- Anna Chernykh
- Natalija Debelak
- Sara Vilić
- Uliana Ovchinnikova
- Asistent režije in Scenograf / Assistant director and Stage designer ANDRÉS KLEMEN
- Izvršni producent /Executive producer VIRÁG SÁRA LÉNÁRD
- Izvršni producent /Executive producer DANAJA KOREN
- Scenski tehnik / Stage technician TOM PHILIP
- Tonski tehnik / sound engineer MARKO TUREL
- Oblikovalec svetlobe / Light designer GAL VOGRIČ
- Umetnica Ličenja / Makeup artist NATAŠA CASTALDI
- Video, vizualni oblikovalec in predvajanje glasbe / Video, visual designer and music playout David Mosquera Meluk
- Tehnik za predvajanje videoposnetkov / Video playout technician AMADEJ PLESNICAR
- Asistentka za komunikacije / Communication Assistant MARINA KHOLINA
- Svetovalki / Consultants Jerneja Šubelj & Živa Ahac
- Sponzor / Sponsor David Andrej Francky & DAF lighting d.o.o.
Nekateri kostumi za “Lauro”, “Viktorio” in “Marka so kostumografsko delo / Some of the costumes for “Laura”, “Viktoria” and “Mark” are designed by NIKA DERMASTJA
Kostumi za zbor in plesalce so z dovoljenjem Gledališča Šentjakobsko, Pionirskega gledališča in Pionirskega doma / The costumes for the choir and dancers are courtesy of Šentjakobsko Gledališče, Pionirski Teater and Pionirski Dom.